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Ex Northern Constabulary Supt Blasts Performance of Force

(October 30, 2010)
In a letter to the Press and Journal dated October 30th 2010 ex Supt C S Hepburn of Birch Drive Maryburgh Ross -shire blasts the performance of the Northern Constabulary.
In is letter he lays the blame for all of this at the door of Ian Latimer and Gary Sutherland ,he also states that this was predictable for sometime and that nothing was done to prevent it.He is  further disgusted and dismayed by the constant blame culture that now exists at the Northern Constabulary and the reluctance of accountability by theses two chiefs.
However he does not leave the force wholly redundant and notes that fine  police officers do still perform their duties to a high standard but fears that it may take years for this police force to recover .

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